Introduction to the Life and Works of Saint John Henry Newman
Saint John Henry Newman has been called "the most important theologian since Saint Thomas Aquinas" and the "secret influence" on the most important theologians of the 20th century. But, at the same time, we are talking about a circumstantial writer: Newman was not a desk theologian but a pastor and reformer inspired by faith and his experience of the power of the Christian message, whose writings always responded to the needs and challenges of his epoch. He is a saint, and the study of his life and writings will give us access to a deeply vital and renewed look at our faith.
The Last Things
In this course, we take C. S. Lewis as a guide to understanding the real-life implications of the last things. Fr. Lucas Laborde, priest of the Saint John Society and current Pastor at St. Mary Catholic Church in Corvallis, will be leading us through the course as we explore hell, heaven, and purgatory with Lewis’s novel The Great Divorce as our guide.
"Son, Your Sins Are Forgiven"
Theology Academy presents a Easter Mini Retreat with Br. Louis de Montfort Nguyen reflecting on the topic of Divine Mercy and forgiveness.
Faith and Feelings
Theology Nights presents the connections between our faith and caring for mental health; Lecture given by Dr. Helena Orellana
St. Irenaeus: Laying the Foundation of the Church
Theology Nights presents the early church father St. Irenaeus; Lecture given by Dr. Shawn Keough
St. Augustine: New Life in Christ
Theology Nights presents the topic of St. Augustine and living a new life in Christ
Your Maximum Potential
Theology Nights presents the topic of the three virtues and how to grow in them
Theological Academy presents the topic of Dante’s Purgatorio
Christian Anthropology
Theological Academy presents Christian Anthropology
Theological Academy presents the topic of Mariology
The Science of Jesus
Theological Academy presents The Science of Jesus