Faith and Feelings


How A Catholic View of the Person Reveals the Compatibility of Faith & Mental Health Care

In our next installment of Theology Nights, Dr. Helena Orellana will be speaking on the Catholic view of the human person and how it can connect to caring for our mental health.

Dr. Helena Orellana is a licensed clinical psychologist, Interim Director of the IPS Center for Psychological Sciences, and an Adjunct Professor for the M.S. in Psychology program. Part of her professional interests include the integration of a Catholic vision of the person with psychology.

When: Thursday May 20th, 2021 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Where: This course will be conducted through a hybrid format: you can opt to attend in-person or on Zoom, and registration is required. The cost is free, but contributions are appreciated.

Join Dr. Orellana as she discusses the connection between our faith and feelings.

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"Son, Your Sins Are Forgiven"


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