Let the children come to Me for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
- St. Luke 18:16
Step 1:
Families enroll in religious education. We offer religious education for children PreK - 6th Grade.
Step 2:
Sacramental preparation classes typically begin in second grade with preparation for First Reconciliation and follow up with First Holy Communion in third grade.
However, our preparation classes are not strictly linked to the child’s grade level. We consider more carefully the child’s readiness for the sacraments and faith formation that the child has received at home when preparing for these sacraments.
Step 3:
All first communicants will be required to participate in preparation classes, events and retreats in preparation to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
When does First Reconciliation and First Communion take place?
The schedule varies from year to year, but typically these celebrations are scheduled for late Spring.
What does my child need to wear?
Nice does not have to mean new. Understanding why we dress up can help kids see the importance of looking their best on special days. It’s about telling children, “You’re beautiful, you’re wonderful, you’re cherished.” and “We are presenting you to God and preparing you for Jesus.”
Does my child have to attend the rehearsal?
Yes, the rehearsal is an important step in preparing the child for the reception of the sacrament. We want all children to feel comfortable and have their questions answered prior to the celebration.
How many Godparents do I need?
Two Godparents is the custom (a man and a woman), but you need at least one. If you only have one, the person must be a confirmed Catholic.