Love should be seen as something which in a sense never is but is always only becoming, and what it becomes depends upon the contribution of both persons and the depth of their commitment.
- St. John Paul II
Beginning the
Marriage Process
The sacrament of matrimony brings a man and a woman together in marriage. By receiving matrimony, a couple enters into a sacred covenant. By their marriage, the couple witnesses Christ’s spousal love for the Church.
Because of the seriousness of the commitment of marriage and its sacramental nature, couples enter into a period of preparation that begins at least six months before the ceremony. Preparations include meeting with the priest, completing the marriage paperwork with the parish, setting a date, completing a marriage preparation course and a natural family planning course.
Please see the Wedding Guidelines below for a complete list of steps and requirements for the marriage process:
Once you have reviewed the wedding guidelines, please fill out the Application Form by clicking on the button below.

Additional Wedding Materials
Natural Family Planning
As a part of your Catholic marriage preparation, completing an NFP course is a must.
Wedding Novena
Enter into your big day prayerfully by participating in a novena with your future spouse.
Wedding Mass Program
View an example wedding program for the Mass and download out editable template.
You pick your readings! View sample readings and psalms for the Liturgy of the Word during your wedding.