Gaze upon him, consider him, contemplate him, as you desire to imitate him.
— St. Clare of Assisi
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or Eucharist, is an important form of prayer and worship for Catholics. We believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, meaning he is truly with us under the appearance of unleavened bread. Holy Hours are the traditional time spent in prayer and worship in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Perpetual Adoration Chapel
At St. Mary, we are blessed to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel where the Blessed Sacrament can be exposed at all times.
Volunteers are present around the clock praying and worshiping Jesus. Because we have this special blessing in our parish, Adoration can be a central and frequent expression of devotion for our parishioners.
The Chapel is located on the northwest corner of the sanctuary and is open to the public before and after Mass times and during Confession. Parishioners who wish to access the Chapel at other times can obtain the keypad code for the west door (nearest the Chapel itself) by contacting the Parish Office at (541) 757-1988.
How to Make a Holy Hour
There are many ways of making a Holy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament. Here are a few resources and suggestions:Pray an act of Spiritual Communion and ask Jesus to look into your heart and life. Sit in silence and allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you.Read and contemplate a scripture passage such as the daily Gospel reading. Listen for how God is speaking to your life through his word. Choose a devotion from this list of Holy Hour devotions from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Follow the steps from 60 Minutes with a Friend: How to Do a Holy Hour. Copies are available on the bookshelves in the back of the Chapel in both English and Spanish.
Become a “Regular”
Parishioners are invited become Adorers by signing up for a specific hour of Adoration. It is not necessary to make a permanent commitment–even taking an hour on a temporary basis or becoming a substitute will be a blessing to you and to our parish.
Please contact John Kleinhenz at (541) 207-7185 to sign up.
New to Adoration?
No worries! We have some great resources to help you make the most of your visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Don’t forget to check out the Library at St. Mary’s, we have a great selections of books about adoration.
First Friday
Holy Hours
Join us for an hour of guided adoration on the first Friday of each month during the academic year. Adoration begins at 7:00 PM. Each Holy Hour offers a different topic of prayer.