The woman’s soul is fashioned as a shelter, in which other souls unfold.
-St. Teresa Benedicta
We are Catholic Daughters
Unity & Charity
Deeply spiritual, members share faith, love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of “feminine genius” in today’s world. Robustly charitable, members give their time, energy, stewardship, hearts and finances to help others in the service of Christ.
We are Court of Our Lady of the Valley a state and national organizational member of Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
Our chapter welcomes any Catholic woman over the age of 18.
We are a service organization that specializes in works of mercy. Our main areas of focus include charitable fundraisers, seminarian outreach and providing funeral receptions for the bereaved.
There’s never a shortage of things to do with the Catholic Daughters!
Read the latest on what’s been keeping us busy in our December newsletter.
JULY 2021
Saint of the Month: St. Maria Goretti
As Catholic Daughters we are dedicated to our patroness the Blessed Mother and we are given the opportunity to serve others and become the hands and feet of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
It has been a great privilege getting to know so many spiritual and Godly women within our Church and throughout the country and I look forward to serving St. Mary's as Regent.
— Kathy Hale, CDA Regent
Messages From Our Members:
I joined the CDA about 6 months after we moved to Corvallis. By helping out with the funeral luncheons, attending meetings, working on the bake sales and bazaar, and going to the social gatherings, I have gotten to know and care about the members of our court. When we do the activities together, we share about our lives, our problems, our faith, our families. That is what I like most about being a Catholic Daughter. I have found some friends.
— Linda
"Our Court offers funeral receptions as a service to grieving parish families and friends. Preparing, serving and sharing food brings people together and that's what strengthens community. Helping the family and honoring the memory of the deceased is not only a Christian duty, but an act of compassion. I joined Catholic Daughters to help do this and as a way to honor the deceased parish member. A lovely group of CDA ladies have become my friends through this satisfying charitable activity.”
— Ann
“I love being a Catholic Daughter. It means being in the company of women of our Catholic faith and an opportunity to do works of Mercy in our Parish. We incorporate Spirituality, friendship, support of our Seminarians, Priests and Sisters, Newman Center, Youth, Parish, many other Charities, and funeral receptions for the Bereaved. It’s a wonderful organization!”
— Kathie

Contact us.
Court of Our Lady of the Valley
Kathy Hale- Regent
Carmen Sherman - Vice Regent
The Catholic Daughters do all they can to support our local seminarians.
Please consider joining us by praying for these men.
Probantes in the St. John Society:
Chris James, Tom Murphy, Reed Sandblast, Tom Mitzel, John Geudere III and Deacon Joseph Piper.
Mt. Angel Seminarians:
Chad Hill, Ethan Vincent O’Campo, Coulter McIntyre, Edward Russell Burke, and Damien Joseph Rappuhn.
Current CDA Members may access their private page below. This page is password protected. Please contact your Regent to gain access.