Religious Education
Partnering with Parents to build Faith at home.
Our Mission
At St. Mary’s it is our mission to assist you as Catholic parents in fulfilling the promises you made at your children’s Baptism, as primary educators in your children’s lives. At baptism, you and your spouse accepted the obligation to nurture your children in the Catholic faith and to help prepare and participate in the Sacramental life of the Church.
Our goal is to help draw families into a deeper and more meaningful spiritual relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Brief Overview of Religious Education
Religious Education at St. Mary’s is taught for Pre-K through 6th-grade students. The Sacramental Preparation classes are during the child's 2nd (First Reconciliation) and 3rd (First Communion) grades. A youth version of RCIA is available for all older children who have not yet received the Sacraments.
Confirmation preparation begins in 6th grade and the students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during their 7th grade year.
Our PREK program Atrium (Ages +3) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based class where kids learn how to enjoy God through meaningful engagement with the Gospels and Liturgical life.
PreK - Confirmation classes are on Sundays after the
8:30 AM Family Mass from 10:00 - 11:15 AM
Ready to register for Religious Education?
Registration for 2024-2025
Religious Education is OPEN.
We love to help! Have a question?
Contact Lauren Sanders at lsanders@stmarycorvallis.org
Meet Your Minister:
“It’s never too late to start talking to your children about the love of God and the love that God has for them. I meet families every year who tell me that they are late for registering their kids for Religious Education or that their child is late for receiving one of the initial sacraments. But that is not the case. Everything happens in God’s time and through His plan.
My message to families is that they are all wanted, welcome, and worthy. We all know that there is a lot to balance in the modern family. So, it is my first step to acknowledge the parents’ desire to get involved and to begin sharing their faith with their children in a meaningful way. The bonus for families is that many parents begin to rekindle their own faith and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a faith journey for children and parents to walk together.”
Lauren Sanders