The world’s thy ship and not thy home.

- St. Therese of Lisieux


When a Catholic has died, it is customary to offer a Funeral or Memorial Mass to pray for their soul. The funeral liturgies comfort the bereaved, strengthen faith and hope, and provide a witness to our belief in eternal life in Christ.

If you are planning a funeral or memorial service, please know that our hearts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Print and fill out the Funeral guide below to get started.

Contact us

To schedule and coordinate all funeral related services and sacraments, please contact our Funeral Director, Barbara Bang, at 651-503-1207.

Online Bereavement Resources:

USCCB’s Bereavements and Funerals, Death and Grieving, Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One

Works of Mercy

Burying the dead is a corporal Work of Mercy in two ways. First, burial of the dead acknowledges the life and dignity of the human person who is now deceased. Second, by attending to the dead, we also assist their grieving family and friends.


Funeral Receptions

Our local court of the Catholic Daughters of America is available to assist families and friends of the deceased by hosting a reception after funeral masses or memorial services. Please, inquire with our Funeral Director about making these arrangements.


St. Mary Catholic Cemetery

Because of Catholic belief in both an eternal soul and resurrection of the body, the Church encourages burial of remains. St. Mary Catholic Cemetery was established in 1873 to provide a final resting place for parishioners and their families. The cemetery is located at the corner of Witham Hill Drive and NW Grant Avenue.

Cremation of remains is not prohibited by Church teaching; more information can be found in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops page on bereavement and funerals.