St. Mary Digital Parish Archive: Parish History
“The Mass is the most beautiful thing in the Church.”
-Saint Alphonsus Liguori
1861 - Original Church
Located at 4th and Adams Street
Dedicated February 17.
A photograph of the church building----- *Title: 1861 Church Building *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Buildings. *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photographs *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 19851130045 *Type: Photograph OR Art print *Format: jpg
The list of donors who contributed to the church construction----- *Title: 1861DonorList *LC Subject: church *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Scanned Document *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1861DonorList *Type: Scan *Format: jpg
A drawing depicting the different denominational Christian Churches of Corvallis. St. Mary's is in the top left corner----- *Title: 1861 Church Building *LC Subject: church. *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Art print *Date: 1885 *Location: Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 19940380097 *Type: Art print *Format: jpg
A photograph of the altar----- *Title: 1861 Church Interior in 1905 *LC Subject: *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: 1905 *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1861churchInteriorin1905 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
A later photograph of the altar, this time with an painting of the Madonna and Child above the tabernacle, and an painting of Christ to the right. *Title: 19960270001 *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 19960270001 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
1912 - Second Church
Itching for more space, the parish moved the original church elsewhere on the property and built a bigger building.
The former church became the Newman Center and Social Hall.
A photograph of the 1912 church. *Title: 1912 Church *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: 1952 *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1912Church *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
A photograph of the interior of the 1912 church. *Title: 1912 Church Interior *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building. *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1912ChurchInterior *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
The rectory was built in 1924 and was located in between the new (left) and old (right) church buildings. *Title: 1924 Rectory *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church building. *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1924Rectory *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
This photograph shows the 1912 church in the foreground, the 1861 church with added bell tower just beside it, and other Corvallis Christian churches in the background. *Title: 19940380096 *LC Subject: church, *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 19940380096 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg *Photo courtesy of the Benton County Historical Museum & Society, Philomath, Oregon.
A line drawing of the 1912 church. *Title: 1912 *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Line drawing, art piece. *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1912 *Type: Line Drawing *Format: jpg
A letter from Henry Gerding to Mathilde (Leder) Gerding, inviting her to the parish dedication Mass on May 19, 1912. *Title: Gerding Letter *LC Subject: *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Document *Date: May 19, 1912 *Location: Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: GerdingLetter *Type: Scan of letter *Format: jpg
Celebration of the Mass in the 1912 church. *Title: Mass *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: 4th and Adams Streets, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: PICT0070 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
1968 - Current Church
Once again needing more space for their growing parish, ten acres of land were purchased on 25th Street.
Proposed sketch of 1968 church. Note the bell tower to the right. *Title: Drawing 1968 Church *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: drawing *Date: Unknown *Location: Northwest 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: Drawing1968Church *Type: Art print *Format: jpg
Work begins on the new church. *Title: StMary1 *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: unknown *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: StMary1 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
The foundation of the 1968 church. *Title: StMary10 *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: Unknown *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: StMary10 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
Line drawing of St. Mary's School. *Title: 1957 School *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Line Drawing *Date: unknown *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1957School *Type: Art print *Format: jpg
Line drawing of the 1968 church. *Title: 1968 *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: Line drawing *Date: Unknown *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 1968 *Type: Art print *Format: jpg
Original 1968 altar. *Title: 1968 Church Altar *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photographs *Date: circa 1981 *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: 19810450075 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
Dedication of the new St Mary's church. *Title: 1968 Church Dedication *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: 1968 *Location: NW 25th Street, Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: StMary2 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg
*Title: 1968 Church Dedication *LC Subject: church, Catholic Church Building *Photographer: Unknown *Work Type: photograph *Date: 1968 *Location: NW 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon *Identifier: StMary3 *Type: Photograph *Format: jpg